

bellamy on broadway

Offe Offensive 'Oh! Calcutta!" Is a Is a Blasphemy on Sex

By PETER B NEW YORK gels must weer art of the theate

the level of a

the so-called m Calcutta!", at a ly enough called

It caters to common der vulgarity and ‹ the maximum Į an offensive od ant homosexua manner of homo wrights it reduc the level of ru blasphemes sex. Here one find ual position eithe tion or perform: ery dirty word sion ever concei It wallows in 1 openers, how w of mass male r with homosexu grab you?

* CONTRIBUT( script are Sam Jules Pfeiffer, burg, John Len AMUSEM



NEW YORK The angels must weep to see the art of the theater reduced to the level of a $2 brothel in the so-called musical "Oh! Calcutta!", at a theater oddly enough called the Eden.

It caters to the lowest common denominator in vulgarity and depravity at the maximum prices. It has an offensive odor of rampant homosexuality. In the manner of homosexual playwrights it reduces women to the level of rutting pigs. It blasphemes sex.

Here one finds every sexual position either by suggestion or performance and every dirty word and expression ever conceived by man. It wallows in them. Or for openers, how would a scene of mass male masturbation with homosexual overtones grab you?

CONTRIBUTORS to the script are Samuel Beckett, Jules Pfeiffer, Dan Greenburg, John Lennon, Jacques

dirty words on the sidewalk.

Levy, Leonard Melfi, David for filth's sake, like writing Newman, Robert Benton, Sam Shepard, Clovis Trouille, Kenneth Tynan and Sherman Yellen.

Will the homosexuals and perverts among them please stand up and be recognized?

The show includes wifeswapping, sexual twosomes and threesomes, and sexual sandwiches. The repetition like a broken record. of obscene expressions is

The least shocking bit about the show is its nudity, although it should be pointed out that several of the men are physically underendowed. It figures.

Several interludes in the show suggest that marriage is the union of degenerate animals. Its desecration of sex and religion lets one know in a hurry that the writers have sick, diseased minds in urgent need of psychiatric treatment.

WHEN the lines are not incredibly shocking they are obscenely dull. Here is filth distortion of me a

As those who will tell you, I hav strong stomach a

If "Oh! Calcutta!" is a comment on suburban life, lots of luck to director Kenneth Tynan and his wife..As evinced by this show he seems to have temporarily, at least, forgotten anything about tenderness and total committment. His substitute would appear to be a sex circus.

The rock motiff music is forgettable. immediately Some of the lighting and film projections are spectacular and one of the nude dances, involving a man and a woman, has much grace.

Applause is desultory and laughter has an embarrassed strained quality about it. The nude girls are well formed although several have hard lines around their mouths suggesting madams.

It is a horrible comment on society that enough voyeurs will pay from $15 to $25 a ticket to see this vomitous, leering and insulting distortion of life and women.

As those who know me will tell you, I have a pretty

of censorship on strong stomach and hatred but "Oh! Calcutt of censorship on principle, but "Oh! Calcutta!" made me sick.

me sick.